Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tracks rated PG-13 for brief strong language, brief nudity, thematic events, and disturbing images

I heard about this picture from a friend after we had been watching Crocodile Dundee 1 and 2. She told me about how she had come across Tracks while looking up movies on Netflix that starred Adam Driver. She explained what the film was about and we watched it.

The movie tells of the true life adventure of Robyn Davidson played by Mia Wisakowska in which she attempts to journey across the Western Desert of Australia to the ocean using camels in 1977. Adam Driver costars as Rick Smolan the photographer from National Geographic magazine who periodically takes pictures of her and also helping her on her journey. We learn that Robyn is doing this journey because she believes that "an ordinary person is capable of anything".  It sounds like she was also inspired by her dad's traveling across the Kalahari Desert on foot when he was younger.
The film opens shortly before Robyn's journey and chronicles her journey with her four camels, her beloved dog Diggity and her photographer Rick Smolan.  Overall the film was excellent.  The acting was great.  The story was amazing and inspiring.  I felt that cinematography was very wonderful.  It actually felt like the audience was traveling along with Robyn through the hot dry outback.  There were a couple of sad parts involving animals but even if the story wasn't based on actual events I would have felt that the sad parts made sense.  If you get the chance, I would recommend watching this film.  Given that it is rated PG 13 I wouldn't advise smaller children watching this picture.

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