Saturday, August 20, 2016

Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy Not Rated

I came across this gem on Netflix.  As of this posting, this wonderful documentary is on Netflix.
I enjoy horror pictures even though they scare me.  Of all of the horror pictures that I have watched over the years the Nightmare on Elm Street series was one of the more frightening to me.  No matter how many times I have watched my favorites of the films, I still get scared.  Even watching this documentary spooked me.  Freddy Krueger is one of the most frightening movie villains to me because he gets you while you sleep and everyone has to sleep.
This documentary explored the individual makings of each film in the series, Freddy vs. Jason and the short lived Freddy's Nightmares tv series.  It puts the spotlight on almost all of the main actors of the series as well as the filmmakers particularly the producers, directors, and special f/x team(s) and gave them all a chance to talk about their characters, the experiences making the films, and the impact that the films have had on their lives.  Robert Englund talked about his personal experiences/feelings regarding each film which was interesting and enlightening.
If you are a fan of the Nightmare films I would highly recommend this documentary.  If you aren't a fan or you haven't seen any of the films, I would still recommend this documentary especially if you have even remote curiosity.  It might not make you like the films but you at least will get to hear interesting back story (unless you don't like that sort of thing, which is fine of course, to each their own).
My only sort of complaint about this documentary was that it was long (three hours and 58 minutes to be exact).  The reason for the length of course was that it was detailed but not cumbersome.

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