Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Captives rated R for strong sex scene, language, and violence

I came across this movie while flipping channels late one night.  I ended up enjoying it so much that I purchased it.
This movie opens with a beautiful young dentist named Rachel (played by Julia Ormond).  Rachel is evidently going through a bitter divorce with her ex husband Simon (played by Peter Capaldi).  While she is dealing with the divorce, she starts working at a London prison.  While at the prison, she meets Philip (played by Tim Roth).  Unlike most of his fellow prisoners that Rachel treats, Philip is calm and quiet.  He seems more polite and guarded.  After he asks and she agrees to a weekend visit, she gets swept up in a romantic relationship with him.  Complications arise both when Rachel finds out more about Philip's past and when a dangerous prisoner named Towler (played by Colin Salmon) finds out about their relationship.
The film is just excellent.  All of the actors were great.  Tim Roth was captivating and so sexy as Philip.  I was surprised at how attractive I found him considering the first time that I really recall seeing him was as the despicable Archie in Rob Roy.  
The story was very well written and had interesting twists.  I confess that I didn't anticipate the ending.  If I had a complaint I would say that I felt that the ending was incomplete but perhaps that was just a case of me wanting more.  When I first saw the film I was younger and as such didn't care for the ending.   As an older adult I realize that the ending is in fact perfect as it is fairly realistic.  
Keith Allen stole scenes as Lenny the Elvis-obsessed prison mate.  
Even the "awesome" jazzy saxophone muzak that plays throughout the film was great.
I must say that the bathroom sex scene between Rachel and Philip was so very sensual, it made bathroom sex look wonderful.  Lots of believable intensity and passion with a touching amount of raw tenderness.  Julia Ormond as Rachel and Tim Roth as Philip had such excellent chemistry from the moment that they first see each other to the end.  

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