Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Brothers Grimsby rated R for violence, nudity, strong sexual content, language, and drug use

I thought that the preview was hilarious but I was a little worried that all of the funny parts might be in the preview.  I was further warned away from this movie by a coworker who mentioned the elephant scene.  Still I was curious because I find that generally I like Sacha Baron Cohen's sense of humor.  I wasn't disappointed by this film.
The story of this picture involves   Nobby (played by Sacha Baron Cohen), an idiotic football supporter from Grimsby who has been looking for his brother Sebastian (played by Mark Strong) for 28 years.  When Nobby finds Sebastian, Sebastian is in fact on an MI6 mission to thwart an assassination attempt by Maelstrom.  Nobby unknowingly foils Sebastian's attempts to stop the bad guys from Maelstrom and further causes Sebastian to get wrongfully accused of the assassination. The rest of the film tells of Nobby and Sebastian's efforts to clear Sebastian's name while trying to save the world.  Further it also tells of Sebastian and Nobby reconnecting.
There was an unexpected sweetness to this film.  Nobby is "scum", he isn't ashamed of anything much less the fact that he rips off Welfare with a fake claim of cancer and he's an idiot but he's also likeable.  He tells Sebastian throughout the film that he feels rich for having his family.  While he downplays his relationship with his girlfriend Dawn (played by Rebel Wilson) as no big deal, he obviously adores her.  He has been looking for Sebastian for 28 years and he so looks forward to being reunited with his "bruva" that it appears that he talks about it all the time and even keeps a room in his home for him.
Further, there is more "sweetness" in the form of the familial bond that the town of Grimsby shares with the members and by extension Sebastian.  Sure they do things outside of the law or at least things that might be considered morally wrong but they are good people at their core and they seem to genuinely care for each other.
If you are someone who doesn't care for crude humor particularly of the Sacha Baron Cohen type then you should avoid this film.  It is hilarious but very crude and stupid.  Some if it was a bit gross (the elephant scene was one of the more disgusting scenes) but overall I thoroughly enjoyed this film as I had hoped that I would.
Another word of warning.  If you are someone who gets dizzy or sick from watching first person POV in films then you probably shouldn't watch this film either.  There isn't a lot of first person POV but they are featured at various parts throughout the film.
The story was ridiculous but great fun.  The cast was brilliant.  I definitely plan on owning this picture sooner than later.

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