Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ardor rated R for violence and brief sexuality

I came across this film as I was looking at the tv guide to see what was on one morning.  I thought that the premise sounded good and I was vaguely familiar with the two main actors Alice Braga and Gael Garcia Bernal so I decided to watch it.  I wasn't disappointed.
The basic plot (as listed on the tv guide) is that a mysterious drifter named Kai  (played by Gael Garcia Bernal) comes to the farm of a poor farmer (played by Chico Diaz) looking for work.  Another man Jara (played by Lautaro Vilo) also works on the farm.  The farm is  located in Argentina and is surrounded by dense jungle.  The farmer has a lovely daughter named Vania (played by Alice Braga).  That first evening, the farm is attacked by mercenaries (played by Jorge Sesan and Julian Tello)  led by Tarquinho (played by Claudio Tolcahir).  After shooting Jara and killing the famer, the three mercenaries kidnap Vania and retreat into the woods.  Kai goes after her and tries to help her and Jara defend the farm from the mercenaries.
There was a very sensual "lovemaking in the jungle scene" that was beautifully and tastefully done.  There is no nudity in this film.  I was briefly worried that it would get rapey but it didn't.  There is also a very excellent showdown/battle that occurs that is too great for words.
All in all, this was a very excellent film.  Excellent, excellent cast.  Beautiful imagery throughout the film.  Excellent cinematography.  The filmmakers did a wonderful job of taking you right along with the characters every step of the way.  Probably the best part is that the film is being used to raise awareness in that there is a website address that is displayed on the screen after the film ends but before the credits.

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