Monday, August 1, 2016

He Never Died rated R for bloody violence and language throughout

This film was suggested by a friend who saw it on Netflix.  It was a recommendation to her from Netflix.  Interestingly it was also recommended to me prior to my friend showing it to me.
This film is one of those that starts from the beginning and keeps going.  The "setting up" of the film occurs as the movie is going.  What I mean by that is some films will "set up" as in the audience first gets introduced to the setting of the film, then the main character(s), then the film begins in earnest.  Mind you, I personally don't mind when films "set up" then start or "set up" as they go.  But I digress.
The movie stars Henry Rollins as the guy referenced in the title.  We get the name "Jack" but of course there's a lot more to "Jack" than meets the eye.  It also stars Booboo Stewart.  Some people may know him as Seth from the Twilight franchise particularly the last two movies.  I personally loved the character Seth both in the books and the movie.  I felt that Booboo played him excellently and so Booboo has a special place in my heart for that.  Anyway back to "Jack".
"Jack" is a guy who appears to be strange at best.  He seems to keep to himself for the most part and he seems to stick to a rigid daily schedule.  He even speaks in an unusual manner.  He's very dead-pan which I particularly enjoyed.  Some mob guys run afoul of "Jack" and things go badly for the mob guys.
Unfortunately I can't go into too much more detail than that plot wise because it's too easy to spoil.  This film appears to be meant as a dark comedy.  I found it to be hilarious.  I am planning on purchasing it sooner than later.  
Henry Rollins did an excellent job portraying "Jack" who is unintentionally funny, somewhat tragic, definitely dark.  I was very amused by the fact that the people around him never seemed to fully gather just how "strange" he was.  They seemed to simply dismiss his strangeness as just being weird.  It was almost as though they didn't want to see the truth.
I associate Henry Rollins with being loud and very outspoken.  He has been known to use foul language and such (that's me displaying dry humor for anyone who is wondering).  It was a pleasant surprise to see him act so well and so different than his usual manner of speaking.  I know, I know, it's called acting and he apparently can act.
Booboo was a nice treat because I strongly associate him with Seth.  To be fair, he wasn't very Seth-like in this picture which isn't to say that he was a "bad guy" per say he just wasn't a "good guy" either.  It was nice to see Booboo displaying some acting talent apart from Seth.
I say this movie is definitely worth checking out because even if you don't find it humorous you will still see a movie that is different than most.  This film is rated R for violence and language so not what I would think of as a film for children to see.  It is a little gross so if you are squeamish you probably shouldn't watch it either.

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