Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trading Places rated R for language, content, nudity/sexuality, and drug use

I was aware of this film from the reference made to this film in Coming to America but I hadn't watched it until recently.  A friend of mine was "horrified" that I hadn't seen this film and yet I am fairly familiar with Coming to America so he put it on for me.
A young businessman named Louis Winthrope III (played by Dan Aykroyd) works for two elderly millionaire brothers named Duke and Duke (played by Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche).  While conducting business Louis bumps into Billy Ray Valentine (played by Eddie Murphy) and immediately assumes that Billy Ray is attempting to rob him of his briefcase.  Despite Billy Ray's efforts at first reassuring then walking away from Louis, Billy Ray is arrested for theft.
When the Duke brothers learn of this, they make a bet of $1 that if they "ruin" Louis thereby forcing him out of his life of luxury and into Billy Ray's "life of crime" that Louis will "give into baser instincts and go to a life of crime" and that Billy Ray will "relinquish his life of crime and better himself".  The Duke brothers then follow through with their plan and bring Billy Ray into Louis' job and home and cause Louis to end up on the streets.
After some high-jinks it seems that their bet comes true.  Unfortunately for them Billy Ray finds out about their bet and lets Louis know about it.  Thus Louis and Billy Ray plan revenge.
This film definitely isn't for children for a number of reasons.  However it is very funny.  I understand why this film is considered one of the greatest comedies of all time.  The acting was great.  The story was great.  The characters were all memorable.  I don't think that this film could be made today given some of the "dicey" aspects of this film.  There are certain things that are said and done that were allowed in films back then but in this super "pc" world it just wouldn't work.  Still a definite gem in comedy and definitely worth watching.

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