Thursday, September 15, 2016

Roman Holiday Not rated

I first became interested in seeing this picture after watching the film Only You.  My interest was further piqued by repeated references to this film and repeated praise for this film.
In this film Princess Ann (played by Audrey Hepburn) is on a state visit to Rome.  The state visit to Rome is one of many stops on her tour of Europe.  It seems that she has been stopping at all of the capitals of the European countries, attending various functions, meeting with press, etc.  When the audience meets her in Rome she is exhausted physically and emotionally.  When she reaches a breaking point one night in Rome she is given a sedative and left alone to sleep in her room.  She evades her guards and escapes the palace that she is staying in with the intention of just having some brief time to herself.  Unfortunately the sedative is working well enough that she passes out on the side of the street.
Along comes our handsome hero Joe Bradley (played by Gregory Peck).  Bradley is in fact a reporter for a US affiliated newspaper and is stationed in Rome.  He is surprised to see a mysterious and beautiful young woman who is obviously out of place.  He reluctantly takes her with him with no idea who she is and with every intention of freeing himself from her in the morning.  He is puzzled by her unusual behavior including giving him permission to leave her presence but presumably assumes that her behavior is due to whatever sedative that she is on/possibly drinking.
The following morning, he goes in to his office late.  He was apparently scheduled to attend a press conference in which he would have a chance to interview the young Princess Ann.  After he is informed that the Princess is reported to have taken ill he sees her picture  for the first time.  Imagine his pleasant surprise to see the face of the same lovely young woman whom he knew to be resting in his flat.  He mysteriously promises his editor an exclusive interview with the princess then leaves.
When he returns to his flat,  Ann is still sleeping.  After she wakes up, she understandably lies to him and tells him that she is a schoolgirl who has escaped the confines of her academy.  Further she reveals that she has no money and that she needs to get back to school.  Bradley naturally goes along with her story, expresses understanding, then lends her some money to help her get home.  After a quick goodbye she leaves.  Unbeknownst to her, Bradley shadows her after contacting his photographer friend and colleague Irving Radovich (played by Eddie Albert).
After Bradley "happens to run into" Ann again he persuades her to spend the day with him having her wishes granted including having lunch at a street cafe, going dancing, etc.  Prior to being reunited with Bradley, Ann has had her hair cut to help avoid detection by her people who were undoubtedly looking for her.  While at the street cafe, Irving catches up to Bradley.  Irving almost ruins Bradley's plan for the exclusive by nearly positively identifying Ann as the princess.  Bradley manages to discreetly let Irving in on his plan.  Thus Irving spends part of the day trailing Bradley and discreetly taking pictures of Ann and spends the other part of his day physically with Bradley and Ann.
Ann finds herself having the time of her life as she and Bradley get into various scrapes and experience various escapades.  Meanwhile the palace sends a small army of body guards to retrieve Ann before anyone finds out the princess isn't sick but is in fact missing. Obviously Ann has no idea and never suspects that she is traveling with a reporter and photographer.  Still as the day progresses, Ann and Bradley find themselves falling for each other.
So the questions come.  Will Ann find out the truth about Bradley and Irving?  What will Ann do if she finds out the truth about Bradley and Irving?  Will someone recognize Ann resulting in Ann being seized by her palace body guards and being more immediately returned to the palace before her wishes are granted?  Will Bradley and Ann end up together?  Will Bradley go through with his plan for an exclusive?
All in all this is a great film and I completely understand why it is considered a much beloved classic.  Audrey Hepburn is adorable as the spunky Princess Ann.  Gregory Peck is an excellent dashing hero.  Eddie Albert is hilarious as Irving.

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