Friday, July 29, 2016

Self/less rated PG-13 for some sexuality, violence, and language (This post has some spoilers in it)

When I watched the trailer for this picture, I was intrigued and wanted to see the picture. When I saw the picture I wasn't necessarily disappointed but I also didn't love the movie enough to own it. I think that it is an good movie worth watching at least once, definitely worth owning if you love it or are a big fan of anyone in this picture.

The basic plot of the picture involves a sick, very wealthy older man named Damian (played by Sir Ben Kingsley) deciding to undergo a radical procedure in which he takes over the body of a younger healthy man.
This offer is extended to him by a mysterious company.  He is chosen specifically because he happens to be very intelligent with regards to architecture and business. The company that performs the procedure feels that people who have much to offer the world in general with their gifts should be given the opportunity to continue living so that they can continue contributing their "great gifts" for the general improvement of society/the world/etc.
After undergoing the procedure the protagonist wakes up in Ryan Reynolds body. He naturally finds enjoyment in his new found youth and great health. The company further provides for his assimilation back into society with a new identity, funds, basically everything he could need to live and be happy. Also they help him by giving him medication to cope with the changes and give him counseling throughout his recovery.

Almost immediately after Damian undergoes the procedure he begins to have dreams/hallucinations (depending on your perspective I suppose) when he doesn't take his medication. The medication suppresses the dreams/hallucinations. Initially he rigorously follows the medication regimen if only because he is so disturbed by the images.

Then Damian starts to wonder more about the company, about the images, about the body he has taken over, etc. The dreams in particular bother him because at times they involve a child who seems to be his and a woman who seems to be his wife.
After some investigating he finds that the company has been less than forthcoming on the truth about everything that they have told him. As a result of his investigating he finds that he has unintentionally put the woman from his dreams and the child in danger and so he spends the rest of the movie trying to "fix things" for all intents and purposes.

The ending was very appropriate and over all the movie was, as I said, good in my opinion. The cast and acting were good, the story was good, it all made sense.
*******SPOILER ALERT*******
One of my biggest problems (spoiler alert) was regarding one of the villains in the picture and how Damian "treated" him so to speak. I thought it strange that Damian doesn't fully "deal" with this particular villain definitively until the end of the movie and I just thought that wasn't very intelligent on Damian's part. I suppose it is cold-blooded of me but I should think that if one keeps coming across the same person who is obviously intent on killing one then one should probably deal with them after the second maybe first time if only because it is pretty obvious after the second time that this guy isn't going to back off. I'm not saying that Damian necessarily needed to make him suffer (a quick death would have sufficed) but still.

I found it very interesting that when discussing this film with others (specifically people younger than myself) I came across a strange trend. For some reason, the younger people seemed to have something against Ryan Reynolds (mind you this was before Deadpool). To make it a little more strange, the comment that kept coming up was that his beautiful wife Blake Lively was out of his league.

Now I am in no position to say yay or nay. I personally think that they are a lovely couple and they seem to be very happy together. I truly hope that all works out well for them and that they get to live relatively "happily ever after".

What really puzzled me was what his wife has anything to do with his acting ability or even him as a person. It's one thing to infer, imply, or even say that someone might be an unsavory person if they consistently spend time with unsavory types or that someone is an intelligent person if they consistently spend time with intelligent people. I just think it makes absolutely no sense to say that Ryan Reynolds is a bad actor because he happens to have a beautiful wife. That's kind of like saying that someone is a bad teacher because they happen to have a very handsome husband. Whether the spouse/significant other is bad at what they do or not has nothing to do with how handsome/attractive their respective spouse/significant other is.

Fortunately out of the sea of voices rose one voice of some reason. He was kind enough to offer his opinion and I think that his opinion could be one of the real reasons why people might have something against Ryan Reynolds. I will not name him although hopefully he won't be bothered that I included his comments in this post. At the time, he expressed that for himself personally, he hasn't yet seen Ryan Reynolds in anything that particularly moved him or showcased excellent talent acting wise. He explained that for him Ryan Reynolds is ok at best, not bad but not great.

As for me I find Ryan Reynolds to be entertaining especially with his comedies (mostly because I'm most familiar with his comedies). I think that given his comedic abilities he shows promise regarding more dramatic roles. I think overall he was good in Self/less. He was definitely believable, his acting wasn't wooden in my opinion, as an added bonus he is pleasing to look at.

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