Monday, May 14, 2018

Geostorm rated PG-13 for destruction, action, and violence

I was impressed by the initial trailer and wanted to see it when it was in theatres.  Unfortunately life happened and I was unable to watch it before it came out on dvd.  I was pleased with the movie overall.

The movie opens with disasters that are occurring in our near future.  Deadly storms and tsunamis are devastating our planet as a result of global warming and just us not taking care of our planet as we should.  Fortunately a brilliant scientist named Jake Lawson (played by Gerard Butler) leads an international team to create the Dutch Boy Program which involves a number of satellites regulating the weather for our planet whenever a potential catastrophic storm is about to occur.  As a result a sense of normalcy returns to our planet and complacency sets in.  When the program appears to be  "malfunctioning". Jake and his brother Max (played by Jim Sturgess) work together to try to find out what is causing the problem and to fix the problem.

For a cautionary tale about treating our planet with respect, this film was great in telling the story while not being preachy/jamming environmentalist propaganda down our throats.  The visuals in the movie are great.  The plot is well done.  The acting is great.  All in all a very good movie worth watching.

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