Thursday, February 16, 2017

Star Trek Beyond rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence

I confess that I wasn't sold on this film mostly because I couldn't tell what it was about based off of the trailers that I saw.  A buddy put this film on and I was pleasantly surprised.
At the beginning of this film, we hear Captain Kirk (played by Chris Pine) entering his ship's log.  After so much traveling and having so many experiences over the course of their mission, a sense of mental exhaustion has begun to take hold of Kirk.  Some of his crew also seems to be experiencing it.  Some of the crew are dealing with the constant traveling by having fun while others struggle
After their latest mission, a few of the crew including Kirk seem to be considering different courses for their careers and lives away from the Enterprise.  During a stop at Starbase Yorktown, an alien lands and claims that her crew's ship has crashed on a planet just beyond the nebula near Yorktown.  Kirk is given a "final" mission to rescue the crew on the planet and bring them to Yorktown.  The alien captain accompanies them to lead them to the crash area.
On the way, the Enterprise is attacked and neutralized by an unknown enemy.  The ship breaks into pieces and the crew is scattered along with the respected pieces of the ship.  They have no way of contacting each other after landing.  Kirk ends up with Chekov (played by Anton Yelchin).  Spock (played by Zachary Quinto) ends up with Bones (played by Karl Urban).  Uhura (played by Zoe Saldana) and Sulu (played by John Cho) are grouped with the remaining survivors of the crew.  Scotty (played by Simon Pegg) ends up alone but is soon after rescued by a young alien named Jaylah (played by Sofia Boutella).
It turns out that they were attacked by a mysterious alien named Thrall (played by Idris Elba) who wants an artifact that they found on a previous mission.  The artifact can be used to make a terrible weapon and if Thrall gets it there is nothing that can be done to stop the effects of the weapon.  Working together with Jaylah, the crew must find a way to get off of the planet and try to stop Thrall.
This film was better than expected and definitely worth watching.  I feel that it was well written.  I can appreciate why the trailers were a little vague about the story.  The new character Jaylah was an excellent addition to the cast of characters that we've been met over the course of these films.
Idris Elba was great as the complex Thrall who is more than he seems.  While you might not agree with Thrall's actions, you can understand where he's coming from and why he's doing what he is doing.
I particularly liked that the characters were also facing major turning points in their respective lives.
I also found the ending to be a little too eerily fitting especially considering the tragic loss of Anton Yelchin.

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