Friday, January 13, 2017

La La Land rated PG-13 for some language **spoilers**

I was sold from the moment that I saw the first trailer for this movie.  It just looked so good and so right up my alley.  I wasn't very disappointed.
Based off  of the look of this movie I assumed that this film takes place back in the day.  It is in fact a very modern tale with elements excellently incorporated from more traditional musicals associated with Gene Kelly and such.
In LA we meet Mia (played by Emma Stone).  Mia is a struggling actress who works at a coffee shop at the Warner Brothers Studios while she tries to catch her big break.  When we meet Mia, we shortly afterwards meet Sebastian (played by Ryan Gosling).  Sebastian is a struggling jazz artist who really just wants to get up enough funds to purchase an historic jazz club, remodel it to reflect its jazz roots, then hopefully work to keep jazz alive and possibly revitalize it.
After crossing paths a few times, Mia and Sebastian fall in love and start dating.  Sebastian encourages Mia to break away from her usual toiling to get an acting job by writing her own play and doing her own thing.  Sebastian also introduces Mia to "real" jazz as opposed to what most people are exposed to that is called "jazz".   Mia encourages Sebastian to follow his dream of staying true to himself while working to open the club of his dreams.
Things start to go sour for the couple when Sebastian signs on with a band with an old "friend" Keith (played by John Legend).  Mia observes that Sebastian seems to be losing himself but tries to be supportive while focusing on her play.  When Mia is suddenly faced with success, they question whether they can stay together while still living their dreams.
Overall the movie was fantastic.  The music was wonderful.  The cinematography was lovely.  The chemistry between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling as as on point as ever.  The story was great.  The acting was excellent.  Very worth watching if you are curious.  Be prepared for it to be a little long.
****SPOILERS****.  Don't read further if you don't want to have the ending spoiled.  ;-)

My disappointment is related to the end.  I know that the ending was inspired by another movie that had had a positive effect on the filmmakers.  I agree that this ending is "more realistic" but I would rather that Sebastian had chosen to fight for Mia rather than let her go.   I felt that their chemistry was much better and more powerful than the chemistry between Mia and her husband.  I know that that was the point but anyway.  I am glad that the filmmakers at least gave us a glimpse of Mia and Sebastian together  even though it that ended up being a dream sequence.

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