Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dr. Strange rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and action throughout, and an intense car crash sequence

I was keen to see this picture both because it looked good and because it stars Benedict Cumberbatch.  I confess I wasn't sure how well he would hold his own as Dr. Strange in the world of the Avengers in comparison to the rest of the Avengers.  I shouldn't have had any doubts.
As stated above, Benedict Cumberbatch stars as a talented neurosurgeon named Dr. Stephen Strange.  After a car accident, Dr. Strange struggles to first accept his condition and to find his place in life.  In a fit of desperation, he travels across the world to Katmandu to find what he thinks is a secret cure for his condition.  Instead he unexpectedly discovers the world of magic and other dimensions under the direct tutelage of Mordo (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor).  Mordo is both a student and instructor of the teachings and practices of The Ancient One (played by Tilda Swinton).  During Dr. Strange's instruction he is cautioned about learning beyond his level so to speak and is told about Kaecilius (played by Mads Mikkelsen).  Kaecilius leads a group of zealots who oppose the Ancient One.
As Dr. Strange is continuing his education, the center is attacked by  Kaecilius and his zealots.  During and after the attack Dr. Strange begins to fully understand and appreciate the Ancient One's teachings and finds a reserve of strength that he didn't realize he had.
I heard this picture summed up/described as "while the Avengers are fighting in the physical realm i.e. the front door, Dr. Strange fights in the non physical realm and defends our back door".  I think that that is a very apt description of this character and parts of this movie.
I chose to watch this film in 3-D and found it well worth it if you have the opportunity and can watch 3-D pictures.  Visually it was lovely.  The acting was great all around.  The story was interesting and fairly easy to follow.  I liked that there was a nice blend of humor and seriousness throughout this movie.

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