Friday, October 7, 2016

Darkness Falls rated PG-13 for terror/horror images and brief language

I vaguely remember being intrigued and frightened when I first saw the trailer to this picture.  Just the mention of The Tooth Fairy sounds a little unnerving.  Consider the image that the words The Tooth Fairy might inspire. A fairy made of teeth?  A fairy that takes teeth and if so how and why?  Of course for most people one of two, possibly three images come to mind and none of them are the least bit frightening.  This film explores a darker possibility.
This film has its own take on the Tooth Fairy and it certainly isn't a sweet image.  The town of Darkness Falls has been haunted by a spectre called the Tooth Fairy.  In this picture the Tooth Fairy is the vengeful ghost of an innocent woman named Matilda accused of killing two children circa nineteenth century.  The woman was burned alive by the townsfolk after they decided that she was guilty of murdering the children.  While she burned, she cursed the town by stating that she would come for the last baby tooth of every child in that town and that she will kill any child that sees her when she comes for the tooth.  After she died the two missing children were found much to the shame of the townsfolk.
Years pass.  A young boy named Kyle sees Matilda the Tooth Fairy when she comes for his tooth.  Kyle flees to the well lit bathroom which seems to keep Matilda at bay.  Unfortunately Kyle's mother is viciously killed by the ghost.  Kyle is determined to be the killer and sent away to a place for "disturbed children".
Years later, Kyle's childhood friend Caitlin (played by Emma Caulfield) is dealing with being a parent to her young brother Michael (played by Lee Cormie).  Michael has developed a severe fear of the dark, stating that the Tooth Fairy will come for him in the dark and get him because he has seen her.  Strangely enough, when Michael has been left alone in the dark, he has been observed to develop injuries that look like scratches on his arms even when his arms are secured in restraints.  Caitlin recalls her friend Kyle having trouble with being afraid of the Tooth Fairy and tracks him down with the intention of having him convince Michael that A) he needs to sleep and B) the Tooth Fairy isn't real.  Kyle (played by Chaney Kley) reluctantly returns to Darkness Falls initially with the intention to try to help Michael but eventually to face the Tooth Fairy and try to defeat her once and for all.
This picture is a decent horror film.  I think that it had a good premise and had a pretty good plot.  At the time of its release it was more original than most other horror pictures.  It has quite a few jump scares but unfortunately it isn't comparable to more recent horror pictures for scariness.  The story is said to be loosely based on true events but I personally haven't tried to find out.  The Tooth Fairy is rather frightening looking I think with her china face.
If you don't like horror pictures you won't like this one.  If you do like horror pictures and you're unable to "just go with it" so to speak,  you probably won't like this picture either.  If you decide to watch it, watch with low expectations.  And remember


 ;-)  Just kidding, it's just a movie. 

Or is it?

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