Johannes "Jojo" (played by Roman Griffin Davis) is a 10 year old German boy growing up in Nazi Germany. He desperately wants to be a Nazi, so much so that his imaginary friend is Hitler (played by Taika Waititi). He lives with his mother Rosie (played by Scarlett Johansson) while his father is off fighting in the war. While working hard to do his part to be a "good Nazi" he finds out that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl named Elsa (played by Thomasin McKenzie) in the attic. This puts him in a conundrum of being torn between being a "good Nazi" or trying to protect himself and his mother.
This all sounds very dramatic and it is. But there's a wonderful mix of surprising humor woven throughout this satire that I would also consider a bit of a coming of age story. It's Nazi Germany so there is going to be so sad and harsh things that happen in this movie so be prepared.
This is a wonderful wonderful movie that I think everyone should watch.
I had heard that this movie was not promoted as well as it should have been due to studios being afraid of upsetting people with a "Nazi" movie. I don't know if this is true or not. If it is true, the studios missed the point of this film.
If you are at all curious don't miss this gem of a movie.