In this continuation of the story from Kill Bill Vol. 1 this film picks up shortly after the end of the events in Vol. 1. This is a film of revelations and/or confirmations for many of the characters. By now it is assumed that all of the Squad has been killed with the exception of Bill.
This film shows The Bride hunting down the two remaining Squad members. Ultimately one dies but not at the hands of The Bride. In this picture we finally learn The Bride's name which is Beatrix Kiddo (wonderful name by the way). We also definitively learn that Beatrix was Bill's lover in addition to being his top assassin. We witness Beatrix's arduous training under the tutelage of the fierce Pai Mei (played by Gordon Liu aka Chia-Hui Liu).
It also becomes apparent that Elle Driver was Beatrix Kiddo's jealous rival. She was the other blonde of the group who clearly loved Bill in her own way and envied Beatrix for all that she was. Whether Beatrix was aware or not is up to you the audience. I don't think that Beatrix cared one way or the other.
As such, there is a very excellent fight between Elle and Beatrix. I consider it one of the better ones that I've seen in films.
The film ends with another great fight scene between Beatrix and Bill. Any questions that remained (for the most part) are answered by Beatrix to Bill just prior to the fight scene. And of course, if you didn't know already, Beatrix is happily reunited with her beloved daughter B.B. (played by Perla-Haney Jardine).
I felt and still feel that this is a wonderful follow-up/conclusion(?) to Kill Bill Vol. 1. If you liked the first one, you'll probably like this one.